Reference: "When a LABEL element receives focus, it
passes the focus on to its associated control."
coming from HTML 4.01,
section 17.9.1 The LABEL element
This bug has been reported at connect's IE beta feedback as bug 348575. This bug has been closed by the IE team and will not be fixed for the release of IE 8 final.
Firefox 2.x, Firefox 3, Opera 9.26, Opera 9.50, Safari 3.0.4, Safari 3.1, Konqueror 3.5.8, Seamonkey 1.x, Seamonkey 2.x, NS 7.2, K-meleon 1.x, Galeon 2.0.4, Epiphany 2.22 all pass this test.
Credit must go to Batiste Bieler for discovering, reporting this bug and for providing a testcase on this precise bug.