Unquoted font-family names can not and must not contain unescaped parentheses ( ), unescaped square brackets [ ], unescaped curly braces { }, unescaped exclamation marks !, etc.

Your browser passes this test if each and all of the following 16 sentences are rendered with Times New Roman and not Verdana

This 1st sentence should be using Times New Roman and not Verdana.

This 2nd sentence should be using Times New Roman and not Verdana.

This 3rd sentence should be using Times New Roman and not Verdana.

This 4th sentence should be using Times New Roman and not Verdana.

This 5th sentence should be using Times New Roman and not Verdana.

This 6th sentence should be using Times New Roman and not Verdana.

This 7th sentence should be using Times New Roman and not Verdana.

This 8th sentence should be using Times New Roman and not Verdana.

This 9th sentence should be using Times New Roman and not Verdana.

This 10th sentence should be using Times New Roman and not Verdana.

This 11th sentence should be using Times New Roman and not Verdana.

This 12th sentence should be using Times New Roman and not Verdana.

This 13th sentence should be using Times New Roman and not Verdana.

This 14th sentence should be using Times New Roman and not Verdana.

This 15th sentence should be using Times New Roman and not Verdana.

This 16th sentence should be using Times New Roman and not Verdana.

"If an unquoted font family name contains parentheses, brackets, and/or braces, they must still be escaped per CSS grammar rules. Similarly, quotation marks (both single and double), semicolons, exclamation marks, commas, and leading slashes within unquoted font family names must be escaped."
CSS 2.1, section 15.3 font-family

The CSS validator will report Value Error, Parse Error and Lexical Error in such cases, at least for the above 16 tests.

Firefox 2.x, Firefox 3, Safari 3.1.2, Konqueror 4.1, Seamonkey 1.x, Seamonkey 2.x, all pass this test. Opera 9.52 fails 4 tests out of 16. Opera 11.50 pass this test entirely.

This bug has been reported at connect's IE beta feedback as bug 361953. This bug has been closed by the IE team and will not be fixed for the release of IE 8 final.

Valid HTML 4.01! CSS compliant