Current target element's tagname
Current event type
Number of scroll events fired
Number of mousewheel roll events fired
Distance and direction rolled by the mousewheel
Internet Explorer 6 only 6 only event.wheelDelta

This is a testcase for bugfile 189308, bug 144868 and bug 305160

Scroll this document with the mousewheel (roll or click-N-move) or with the keyboard (left, right, up, down navigational arrows, PgUp, PgDn, Home, End keys - and Ctrl+Home, Ctrl+End keys in older releases).

Window or document scroll view values should update correspondent input text boxes depending on the browser you're using. - This was bug 125278 at Opera's BTS -

Test scrolling when going to an anchor

This is a long sentence created to help the generation of an horizontal scrollbar for testing purpose. The document scroll view: the window is scrolled.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Bugs in Netscape 7.02 for Windows

this is filler text

this is filler text

this is filler text

this is filler text

this is filler text

this is filler text

this is filler text

this is filler text

this is filler text

this is filler text

this is filler text

this is filler text

this is filler text

this is filler text

this is filler text

this is filler text

this is filler text

Anchor here for testing scrolling

Valid HTML 4.01!CSS compliant